Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eeck, there's a rock in my drinking water!

I think it’s safe to say that I believe in the healing properties of stones. Having owned a Crystal shop for seven years means that I’ve gotten to hear the most incredible stories from people. Some of the stories that have crawled through our doors have been totally unbelievable but it’s always interesting for me to hear how others perceive the stones in their lives and their experiences with those stones. Whether you believe that they have a capacity to heal or if you just like how they look, they enhance your current state of affairs just by being in the room!

I’ve started putting a stone in my drinking water recently, and I can taste the difference, so I thought I’d chat about it for a bit. Try it out, and let me know what happens.

Stones all vibrate at a certain frequency which is beneficial to us as human beings. When you put them into water, the water takes on the vibrations of the stones. It’s important to note that many stones are toxic so it’s best to stick with quartz, there are many to choose from and are hard enough to not dissolve into the water. I use Amethyst, Citrine and Rose Quartz and I can taste the difference! And I’ve had so many people in my shop who swear that putting Rose quartz in their dogs’ drinking water staves off fleas! Give it a try!

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