Thursday, April 11, 2013

Clothes Swops ~ Mariella

In this great age of limitless availability and ever changing trends, it's sometimes refreshing to slow down and really access the full lifespan of the things we gather around us instead of buying and discarding at a rate of knots. When you look at your wardrobe and see nothing but outdated clothes that are either too big, too small or too familiar, your first instinct is to schedule some retail therapy but there are other, more enjoyable, more enviro-friendly options. There’s a great little event that happens in my circle of friends. It’s called a Clothes Swop! It’s really simple and works on the principle that one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure...

You put all the clothes in a pile in the middle of the room, mix them all up, count to three and start grabbing! It’s such a laugh! Afterward, items get tried on and passed from one prospective new owner to the next until the perfect fit is discovered. What doesn't get claimed goes to the charity shop. 
If you have a very special item of clothing that you haven’t worn in ages but cant bare to just chuck in the pile, there’s a special one on one swop on the side.
It’s a girl’s only event, so, no husbands and no kiddies. Its an evening of chatter, confidences  yummy food and hopefully great new finds for your wardrobe. There’s so much ‘stuff’ in the world that we really don't have to buy new, and I’ve walked away from Clothes Swops with absolutely great finds in beautiful condition. 
It’s good to do it at the beginning of a season, so schedule one now! Just send an invite out to all your girlfriends to gather up all their unworn clothes and a delicious dish to share and look forward to a great girls night in!

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