Friday, September 6, 2013

Green juice for Sore throat ~ Mariella

Oh goodness, when I hear that little voice saying,'Mommy I have a sore throat' my own chest tightens! I know its a game of timing, if we catch early enough, it blows over, if we don't it kinda loiters about for a bit like an unwelcome guest and invites it's buddies, common cold, flu, temperature. 

There is a super winter blues busting tea we drink in the colder months,

But juicing the right stuff is like a shot of pure muti right to the spot. Here's a list of what I ferreted out of our garden and why:

~Nasturtium leaves - Yip you can eat the leaves too, and they are very effective at treating sore throat, add young leaves to your winter salad or just nibble on them if you feel a tingle in your throat.
~Peppermint - It tastes nice and it's immune boosting
~Calendula flowers - aids digestion and stimulates immune system
~Broad Leaf Parsley - Packed full of Vit A, B, C and high in iron
~Lavender - Just one little leaf, not more, for Iron, calcium and Vit A
~Bok Choi - Full of Vitamins
~Celery - very alkaline 
~Lettuce - any greens will do but lettuce is full of vitamins 
Then I add Ginger and a whole lemon, just trust me on this, cut the lemon up, and put the entire thing through the juicer, you'll never look back! These two ingredients are great for sore body, better assimilation of nutrients, anti-fever,immune boosting Vit C

The bottom line is that packing your body full of greens when you're sick will help you get better quicker due to their detoxifying and antioxidant properties.
I sugar coat this otherwise thoroughly unpalatable concoction with fresh apple juice and we see the results immediately! One more reason to grow your own!

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