Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sugar Free, Gluten free, Gelatine free pudding ~ Mariella

I felt like something sweet, a puddingy thing of sorts, something deliciously creamy, so I dug around in the fridge and cupboard and came up with an experiment, and it worked! I'm not about to say that it is a healthy pudding! 

It's rich, decadent and not low fat by any stretch of the imagination! But it's something I can eat and my family seems to like it! It's a work in progress but I'm so excited about it that I had to share it with you! 

If you have any ideas on how to improve the recipe please comment!

700ml fresh cream, raw if you can find
Big handful of Almonds
1 Free range egg
Half tea spoon baking powder
A splop of Natural Vanilla
2 table spoons xylatol or more to taste

Serves 6. It's so rich that a little goes a long way

Blend together until frothy and pour into a metal container and place into double boiler for as long as it takes for the egg to stall. I've been wanting to try steamed dishes so that is why i chose to do it this way but i'm sure baking it under low heat with a lid on would do the trick.

I placed it in the fridge as that seemed to stall it more and then served still slightly warm, but do as you wish and let me know!

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