Monday, May 13, 2013

Last word on Afrika Burn 2013! ~ Mariella

Please forgive me if I carry on and on about AfrikaBurn, but take pause for a moment to imagine if you will a place where a vast harsh environment and creatively minded people meet to create magic! 

Where strangers hug and trust and build amazing beautiful things for the sake of expression and feeling alive with creativity and you give without expecting anything in return and therefore you are given to. Given lunch, cake, showers, pretty things, art to see, music to dance to and friendships formed beneath a sublimely golden Tankwa Karoo sky! 

It also has a very serious aspect to it, of sustainability, environmental impact and thoughtfulness when accumulating possessions. The learning curve is steep. There is much work to be done in terms of education as the quantity of new comers this year meant that there were many who were not in the habit of thinking about their MOOP (matter out of place) It will improve with time and impact the way they see responsibility when they return home. 

I thought that, perhaps, you'd had enough of my AB ramblings, but that it would unfair of me to not share a few images of Afrika Burn 2013 with you by my friend, Robyn Luyt, and then I’m done talking about it! 

....'til next year!

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