Monday, May 28, 2012

The ultimate stress management!

One day, a few weeks ago, I had a mini melt down. Nothing too dire, just a little work related stress coupled with too little sleep and an upcoming event that was taking up too much space in my head. As a result I arrived home at the end of the day feeling exhausted, resentful and totally over-extended. I walked across the lawn laden with bags, baskets, grocery bags and a very tight feeling in my chest. I saw my husband in the veggie garden and yelled at him that I’d had a terribly day, and nothing is worth this, moan, groan, blah, blah, to which he replied,’ Come pick tomatoes!’.

That was his reply!

So I downed tools, in the middle of the lawn, went into the tomato cage and picked tomatoes. I looked under the fig tree that they creep up against and between all the leaves and on all the foot paths, and in my thorough search for tomatoes I managed to lose all the stress of my day. I felt my shoulders relax, my expression loosen, the tight ball in my chest dissolve. Be it the act of being amongst green things that grow, or the hunter-gatherer in me getting her fix or simply the feeling of warm soft sawdust beneath my feet, I felt completely in command of my stress levels by the time I left the vegetable garden! 
We have now coined a new phrase in our household, ‘Go pick tomatoes!’. It doesn't really mean, ’Please go pick some tomatoes’, it means, Go take a time out, go for a walk, chill, pick tomatoes, do whatever it is you need to do to get back into a calm balance within yourself! Because no matter how well you eat or how fit you are, if you operate from a space that’s easily disrupted by stress, then the cracks will start to show eventually! And I learnt that day, in between the green leaves and ripening figs and bright yellow tomatoes that I owe it to myself to take time out. 
That time-out is as valid and essential as time-in!  
That no one will do it for me.
I cannot give if I’m all emptied out and only I know what fills me up and if I need to go pick tomatoes to fill up, then that’s what I will do!
So take a time-out today, even if it's just five minutes, for you to fill up.
Go pick tomatoes!  


  1. I love it! I'm having a bit of a lousy day myself... I think I'll go pick tomatoes.

  2. I can only agree with this is truly getting in touch with oneself that gets rid of all the stresses of everyday living! And, what better place to do this than with nature surrounding you... working with living things make sense of living! ;)
