Friday, July 26, 2013

About Hopes and Dreams ~ Mariella

Hopes, dreams, aspirations, delusions of grandeur ~ those wispy tendrils of impulse that crawl their way into and out of your everyday thoughts. They tease and cajole and taunt and creep sadly away when ignored, only to rage another day, perhaps during moments of discontent, when you can least tolerate them!

~Am I following my heart? 

~I have one life, am I being true to me?

~Is this what I want to be doing right now opposed to……the thing is, if you are having a phenomenal time at work, the weekends would not seem so desperately alluring!

~The final stanza in the poem ‘The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost rings in your head
‘I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.’ 

If these sing and ring and ping impatiently in your heart, perhaps it’s because you are not following it!
Bronnie Ware released a book called ‘The top five regrets of the dying’, and which regret do you think tops them? I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. In our ‘liberated’ modern society it goes further than that, we have expectations of ourselves, we expect to not be able to make a living by pursuing our eccentric mad dreams so we end up chopping them up into thus far acceptable slices through prearranged avenues, or we claim them as hobbies instead of plotting a new course.
The problem with unrequited dreams is that they make you restless. They bite at your ankles, whisper through your days and yell through your nights, be brave!

Presently I’m listening to 'Be Brave' by Shotgun Tori, whom I went to see recently, she’s singing as loud as the customers in my shop will tolerate, ’Throw caution to the wind, be brave!’ but as responsible mortgage paying members of society we may have a hard time running off in different directions pursuing dreams as concrete as wind but her words speak of not waiting another day to turn your sail in the right direction. 
A wise friend once said to me, ’If you spend just 10 minutes everyday working on your dreams, you’ll be further than you were the day before, and a year from now you’ll be glad you started today!’ 
The world needs a workforce, but what it needs more are people alive with the creative light of following their dreams, the electric buzz of excitement when standing up and doing something that means so much to you that you have goosebumps on your goosebumps, its more contagious than flu, it’s enviable and addictive to the point of continual and welcome repetition!  

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