SAD or Seasonal Affective disorder is seen as a lethargic,
depressive state experienced by those in countries which get very dark and gloomy
in Winter and it does not occur to us that we could be in danger of feeling the
effects of less light. Funny, how people who spend time outdoors are a great
deal more active, vibrant, energetic than those who elect to spend most of their time
indoors. It’s the chicken and the egg story, am I lazy because I don’t spend
enough time outside or do I not spend enough time outside because I’m lazy?
This Winter my husband has implemented an ‘Anti-SAD Routine’.
And he fervently plans to stick to it…sounds cold!
Here's why we’re kicking the couch and getting out there, even though we’d rather stay indoors with a hot chocolate and a
good book:
~Vitamin D. Research indicates that Vitamin D may be the one
Vitamin which truly has disease fighting properties and combats everything from
osteoporosis, through calcium balancing, to cancer to depression to heart
attacks and stroke. Vit D can help combat Type 2 diabetes! It assists the
digestive system absorb nutrients like calcium and phosphorus, strengthening
bones and immune system, it prevents osteomalacia and rickets, regulates blood
pressure, reduces stress and tension, relieves body aches by reducing muscle
spasms, helps heal respiratory infections, fight depression, prevents
preaclamsia by improving kidney function, reduces hyperparathyroidism by
reducing parathyroid numbers, hypophosphatemia by controlling the phosphates in
the body, hypocalcaemia by preventing abnormal deposition of calcium, and reduces
renal osteodystrophy by regulating calcium content and fibromyalgia.
~Chances are you’ll get more exercise which makes you happy!
Researchers at the University of Essex in England are advancing the notion that
exercising in the presence of nature improves self-esteem and mental health.
~Improved concentration. Children with ADHD have been observed to focus
better after being outdoors. Ever notice how, when you’re trying to think about
something, you turn to face the window!
~You’ll heal faster! Hospital studies have shown spinal
surgery patients experiencing less pain and stress and requesting less pain
medication during recovery when exposed to natural light.
The good news is that you get all of this for free, by
spending time in the sun. Here is an interesting thought though, there’s a
theory that the eyes are the Vitamin D portal for the body and you mess with
that when you wear sun glasses! I only wear mine while driving. Remember you weren't born with sunglasses strapped to your head!
If you’re in the sun for your daily dose of Vitamin D, hold
on the sunblock too! It takes only 15 min to get what you need and you
don’t need to cover up for that, especially during Winter. Go lie in the sun
this weekend, hot chocolate in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other! It’ll
be good for you!
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